YES! I am a hypocrite. Well not really, its just that I am preternaturally phobic about big blowsy Broadway jazz hands musical theater, especially Jukebox musicals. Now I am directing a musical, My Inner Mark Berman, which, for the record has songs and dances but is nothing whatsoever to do with either Lloyd-Blubber or regurgitated Pop legends with additional five, six , seven, eight.
The facts are that I evolve and my opinions are liable to change as fast as a whippet on speed. Two things happened recently which led to a partial change of heart. Savannah, my daughter, appeared in Anything Goes in the lead role of Reno and then Evan/Larry [MIMB's writer], contacted Savannah to say he needed a director.
The story is about a young repressed Jewish gay man with an 'out'- rageous alter- ego, Cricket Santiago. Cricket/Mark's therapists are sex-change Nurse Terry, the Psychopathically camp Head of Hospital and the barely concealing Rabbi.
There has been a lot of work to do in a very short time period but I'm feeling confident, so confident in fact that I wore my bright red wife beater.
My wife said I looked very gay indeed.
So I beat her.