Blubber Paris Hilton wails and cries all through her hearing. This woman is the epitome of a spoiled brat who is so stupid that having been sprung from jail by a sheriff who is in awe of celebrities tries not to attend an all important hearing with a judge who is rightly pissed off by insisting that she should be able to 'phone in' her testimony.
What an ignorant, stupid stupid girl.

At least try to placate the judge by showing up on time [she didn't] and have the common sense to realise that using private highly paid psychiatrists on your payroll who are prepared to lie to thwart the will of a straight as a die judge is only compounding your farcial attempts to evade justice.
Your stupidity is what got you into trouble in the first place. In fact, your risible TV show trades on your stupid vapid personality.
Stupid is as stupid does. Read a fucking book for chrissakes!
Go to jail, do not pass go.