YES! I am a hypocrite. Well not really, its just that I am preternaturally phobic about big blowsy Broadway jazz hands musical theater, especially Jukebox musicals. Now I am directing a musical, My Inner Mark Berman, which, for the record has songs and dances but is nothing whatsoever to do with either Lloyd-Blubber or regurgitated Pop legends with additional five, six , seven, eight.
The facts are that I evolve and my opinions are liable to change as fast as a whippet on speed. Two things happened recently which led to a partial change of heart. Savannah, my daughter, appeared in Anything Goes in the lead role of Reno and then Evan/Larry [MIMB's writer], contacted Savannah to say he needed a director.
The story is about a young repressed Jewish gay man with an 'out'- rageous alter- ego, Cricket Santiago. Cricket/Mark's therapists are sex-change Nurse Terry, the Psychopathically camp Head of Hospital and the barely concealing Rabbi.
There has been a lot of work to do in a very short time period but I'm feeling confident, so confident in fact that I wore my bright red wife beater.
My wife said I looked very gay indeed.
So I beat her.
My dear Richard -
This is food for thought. Sounds right to me! Entertainment? Yes! If so...it WORKS! I SAY! - IT"S SHOWTIME! I'm also a big Bob Fosse fan!
yer pal -
Stan Ridgway
Richard my dear English Fop -
This sounds right Mazda. You are right. Let's start the Rhytm Ace up now. boom slap boom slap...How COULD it be that nature would sing minor? The planets do not do that huh? Strange Humans "bent" the notes of the cosmos to mirror their own inner emotions. It started with voices and pain. And maybe a distant growl of a tiger. Not minor - just a growl. And so it went. Until no scale or mode could hold it all. Cave men and women wailing minor key in their dark, wet caverns of woe. Just like now.
The human mind makes pain and pleasure. And then there is
Arnorld Shoenberg. 12 tone system. No mode at all. Ambiguous and lost to emotional definition. I sometimes like this mode. Perhaps, at times, it mirrors my present state? Or do we need good old time major now to bring us back to the "dirt and ground"? We all want to know.
Major songs today for me are hard to write if they are not "ironic". Either that or I must have soon won a lottery somewhere and be celebrating my "win". Thoughts ? "Blues" is of course different. And deserves another chat entirely.
This blogging thing? Do I leave a comment with you AND my Blog as well? blogiddy blog blog...I guess its an open choice....depending on how much "blog" we leave behind. This sounds like pollution huh? oh well...we will get dirty and wash off later.
Blogiddity blog blog...
Hell Babe, I could beat you up so easily so don't even GO THERE...The Wife
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