Friday, June 13, 2014

Protecting the invisible - The heros of Guardians of The Voiceless

Its a very hard thing indeed to to watch helpless animals tortured and abused anywhere. What is equally surprising is that in a poor country like India where the sanctity of life seems absent, where women live in fear of rape, where a lower class can never escape their origins that a selfless group of volunteers is dedicated to protecting those with no voice. In particular they save and help defenseless sick dogs but their grander mission is to create a 'kinder world'.  Here's a typical video from their daily volunteer work:guardians of the voiceless.

1 comment:

Joanne Roberts said...

Fantastic group - just discovered them recently & I now check out their facebook page many times a day to see what they are up to & how the animals they are helping are doing - so great to see what they are achieving with these animals - & involving young people with it - the enthusiasm is great. Spread the word & help these guys' dreams to build a shelter & expand...